Man in high vis and helmet inspecting a tile roof

Tile Roof Repairs

We offer comprehensive gutter and roofing services that will bring new life to your roof. 

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Gutter and Roof Repairs is a Brisbane concrete, terracotta and tile roof repairs expert. We offer quality and competitively priced tile roof repairs.

There is a host of reasons tiled roofs need repair. Some reasons are pretty obvious like:

  • Broken or missing tiles
  • Major leaks during rain

Others causes are a little more subtle:

  • Hearing drips in the middle of the night when you have a light shower of rain
  • The pointing being cracked, broken or just plain missing (the pointing is what holds your tiles in place, without it there’s a good chance tiles will move in heavy wind or storms and once one tile moves, typically others will follow).

How Do I Know if My Tile, Terracotta or Concrete Roof Needs Repairing

  • There are broken or missing tiles
  • Major leaks during rain
  • Hearing drips during a light shower of rain
  • The pointing is cracked, broken or missing. The pointing is what holds your tiles in place and if this is missing, there is a good chance that your tiles will move in heavy storms or rain.

Tile Roof Inspection to Identify Issues

We offer a free roof inspection to identify any issues including:

  • Cracked tiles
  • Missing tiles
  • Tiles that have moved or are out of place
  • Cracked, broken or missing pointing (also called ridges or capping)
  • Leaks in your roof
  • Bits of tiles or pointing in your gutters or down pipes
  • Storm damage
  • Hail damage

Can Hail Damage a Tiled Roof

Hail can damage a tile roof but it’s not always easy to identify. Most hail damage tends to be aesthetic (minor cracks), which won’t necessarily cause a problem. However, if moisture penetrates any cracks, it can damage your roof cavity, ceiling, walls and light fittings. Mould and water damage to your internal structures and ceilings can become a big and costly issue.

This sort of damage may not become apparent until you notice mould or damp spots, so it’s best to have your roof tiles inspected regularly for any damage, especially after hail.

How Long Does It Take To Repair a Tile Roof

This will depend on the extent of the damage that’s occurred. If for example your tile roof was damaged in a storm or a tree has fallen and caused damage this will be a much larger job than simply replacing a few cracked tiles or a complete roof restoration.

Most jobs we have completed for happy customers in the past take only 2-3 days but the best way to find out is to contact us on 0421 460 580 and get us out for an inspection.

What Happens if It Rains During Roof Repairs

Brisbane is known for its afternoon storms and sometimes fast moving weather patterns. If we’re repairing your roof we continually monitor weather patterns and keep up-to-date with weather projections from the Bureau of Meteorology. With this in mind we take appropriate steps to tarp up your roof to ensure it’s fully watertight if we need to leave any part of your roof exposed overnight and there’s a chance of rain.

How Do I Know if My Tile, Terracotta or Concrete Roof Needs Repairing

With over 20 years in the trade, our roofing specialists have worked with every roof material when it comes to re-roofing.

We can also assess your roof to determine the level of damage and provide expert advice as to the type of damage that has occurred, and whether you require repairs or a roof replacement or restoration.

Your Gutter and Roof Repairs roof restoration includes a six (6) year warranty. Contact Gutter and Roof Repairs today for a comprehensive quote.

Ready to Find Out More?

Our qualified roofers are experienced with repairing and replacing all types of gutters and roofing. Fill out the form to book a quote, or contact us using the Request a Quote form. 

Our Service Locations

Gutter and Roof Repairs is based in the heart of Brisbane, and our services are available all over South East Queensland.

Brisbane • Ipswich • Redlands • Logan • Caboolture

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